CYBER SAFETY classroom activities

Teacher's Presentation Teacher demonstrates the blog with the rules and other useful materials which were designed to help keep children safe online in order to avoid the risks and enjoy social media. Following the procedure teacher tells the children that using the internet and other communication tools(like mobile phones), has some potential risks and dangers which have been studied by clinical psychologists, specialising in child and adolescent mental health; as well as how the internet and video games affect young people, for example, extreme violence or bulling over the internet:bullying that takes place using electronic technology (cyber bulling).

Children Talk  In an exchange students recall the examples of cyber bullying, including mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

WATCHING AUTHENTIC VIDEO Students watch the video about cyber safety rules. They will need to use the authentic video material about cyber safety for the following discussion at the next stage. Teacher asks the students in groups to identify the potential risks that young people can come across while using the internet and other online communication tools, to look at the nature and effects of it, and consider the role of technology nowadays, and to discuss the different ways children and their parents can make sure they are safe when online or using mobile phones.

PRESENTATION Finally, each group shoud present the conclusions they have been reached during the discussions. They write down their ideas and prepare to make posters.

For the optional activity, children make posters to demonstrate the rules of cyber safety in the classroom and at the school entrance hall after the lesson.
